Adventuring {Day 6}


     Yes...this is a picture of the view of my relatives Michael and Geraldine's house. They live in the countryside! Me and Christy were soooo happy to stay here :) She made us another full Irish breakfast in the morning (our third one this week - yesss!). Michael drove us to a plaque that actually is in memory of all the Irish people who went to the states a very long time ago and my great grandma's name was on there! He also took us to the house that she used to live in. It was so sick! It was awesome to see where my great grandma lived. I've heard many stories about her so it felt like I sort of got to see a piece of her. 

     Today is another "two pictures" day...I mean hey, we saw Giant's Causeway! This is our last major destination for the trip. It's literally on the coast of a very northern tip of Ireland. We got to stand on top of the famous stones. Seeing the beach again reminded me once again how much I freaking LOVE the beach!! I could so live right on the beach somewhere....
    Back in Coleraine, we wandered about trying to find a place to stay for the night - to no avail. Yay. After walking around quite a bit, the sky started turning dark so we decided to have a taxi take us somewhere. We ended up in a pretty nice Inn and had a dinner full of MEAT. yummmmmmm. We love meat. A lot. hahah. 
Well...I sorta just love food in general.

*Devo VOTD:
"According to all that the Lord had commanded to Moses, so the children of Israel did all the work."
~ Exodus 39:42

     The Israelites did every little thing that the Lord commanded to build everything for the tabernacle. They put in so much work and effort! Yet I feel like they sorta missed the point of it all. They worked and worked yet when tough times came they doubted the very God that they did all this for and lacked faith in Him. I wonder if they were just going through the motions since "God ordered it." It's awesome that they knew the importance of following what God says - down to the specifics. But it's the part of the Spirit living inside of you that truly counts. It's what makes everything meaningful. Our works that we do for christ should be of a natural outflow from our love for the Lord and a true desire to serve Him. Serving the Lord and following exactly what He says shouldn't be an "alright...I guess You are God, so I have to do what You say", but it should be "God, I love You so incredibly much that I want to do all that You want me to do - please guide me!" 


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