Adventuring {Day 5}


     Yes...those are the Cliffs of Moher. AHHHH!!!! I SAW THE CLIFFS OF MOHER. In case you can't tell, I was really excited. haha. I feel like none of the pictures I got really do it justice. For those of you who've seen "The Princess Bride" (if you haven't you haven't lived and must go watch it right now!), this is where they shot part of the scene where the Cliffs of Insanity are. Ah, it was so beautiful to see God's handiwork. And and Christy did quote lines from the Princess Bride movie while standing looking out on the cliffs. The sun was out and it was another beautiful day.
     Then off we went to head to northern Ireland (Ok you Irish folk...I think I should take a poll to see if going to northern Ireland counts as a different country - let me know you're thoughts. I've heard both yes and no so far). As we were waiting for our connecting train in Dublin to go to Belfast, Mary (my relative we stayed with in Shannon) called me and said I could call a relative in Newry (which is a little south of Belfast) and probably stay with her. Well, I gave her a ring and her and her husband so graciously allowed us to stay on such short notice! ANOTHER blessing! Dang...God is so good. We had great conversation about traveling and different awesome parts about different countries. I want to travel soo incredibly bad. Just everywhere.

*Devo VOTD:
"All the pegs of the tabernacle, and of the court all around, were bronze."
~ Exodus 38:20

     Now...I know you may be thinking "What the heck, Micaela? What is up with this random verse?!" Just try to bear with me...hah. Bronze in the Bible is a symbol of God's judgement of the sin in our lives. Things in the tabernacle were made with bronze on the outside, but inside it was made of gold and silver (symbolizing purity).
     God cleanses us so that we may have fellowship with Him! He has made us a way for all to enter into the Holy of Holies, His very presence, through the blood of the Lam.
     I know..yes, Micaela has thrown another wrench at you. Haha. Selah can be translated "silence or pause" - it's a musical term used in songs. It's a time of reflection of what was said.
     For me, it's way too easy to forget to "selah" on what God has done in sending His Son. Growing up in a Christian home and whatnot is a HUGE blessing (don't get me wrong), but it makes me more "immune" to the fact that Christ died on a cross for my sins, suffering ultimate humiliation, shame, and suffering for my sake. But to "selah" on this fact is something so vital. This fact alone is the most important thing in life - Christ's death and resurrection. I'm always trying to figure out my day and schedule and going here and there and getting this done and living daily routine life that I forget to stop and just spend time in reverent silence, praising and sitting in awe of all that the Lord has done and is still doing for me. "Selah" time should never be thrown away or put on the back burner. And yes, I'm probably the most guilty of doing that....


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