Adventuring {Day 4}
{SHANNON TO LAHINCH} Shannon. We pretty much did nothing but sit in the sun outside and do homework. 'Twas grand! We've been on the move so much that it was nice to sit and relax for the day - not to mention it was an absolutely beautiful day! Mary made us a full Irish breakfast (for brunch) - mmmmmmm......I also learned that Mary has traveled a lot and she told me about some of the places she went to - so sick!
[ I know I said I'd only put one photo a day was just too beautiful]
On to Lahinch we went...and yes, we pretty much freaked out/died from seeing the beautiful beach. I love the beach...a lot. One thing that I really miss from California. It's different than California beaches though - I looked to the left and there were cliffs and to the right in the distance were rolling hills of green farmland. SO gorgeous. Lahinch itself is a super small town filled with surfers and sometimes tourists. Me and Christy met up with Brian, one of the guys we met from the local church a while ago, and his fiance and her sister and had some bomb Indian food!
We're staying at the Lahinch Surf School building while it's not in use. The school was started by professional surfer John McCarthy who is a believer and goes to the church that our church in Waterford is connected with. It's been another big blessing to have a free place to stay on our adventure this week :)
*Devo VOTD:
"The cherubim spread out their wings above, and covered the mercy seat with their wings. They faced one another; the faces of the cherubim were toward the mercy seat."
~ Exodus 37:9
This describes the top of the ark of the covenant. Everything concerning the tabernacle and the ark is just a mere shadow, representation, and symbol of Jesus Christ. Yet in my mind all these things sound so intricate. But Christ came and is even more majestic and wonderful than any of this - by a long shot! I like this verse because it reminds me of Revelation 4 (that was actually covered in a Lecture we had here at Bible College by a guy who graduated Bible College not too long ago). In verse 8, it says that the cherubim around God's throne "do not rest day or night, saying: 'Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, Who was and is and is to come!" Just that whole chapter in general puts me in awe - it's a tiny little snippet of what heaven is like. I try to imagine the picture - closing my eyes and trying to envision it in my mind....all the grandeur and glory of God's throne room. Then I see myself there...kneeling before the throne of God Himself. All crumpled and dirty - looking so out of place among His shining glory. But I know that I am His and He is mine - despite the fact that I am just human. He has extended so much grace, love, and mercy to me - still does! And just that fact alone trips me out...I can't even wrap my mind around it....
My response should be like that of the cherubim - continual, nonstop worship. The things I see are only a mere shadow of what is coming!
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