Happy Resurrection Day!

For He will be delivered over to the Gentiles and will be mocked and shamefully treated and spit upon. And after flogging Him, they will kill Him, and on the third day He will RISE." 
~ Luke 18:32-33

Clay brought an awesome message at church! Worship was a blessing...it was just good. everything. period.

Wow.... just to think about what Christ did for us. Dirty rotten sinners who are just like dumb sheep. And yet He WILLINGLY went to the Cross - suffering so much shame and immense pain that we can't even fathom. Because of love. It seriously just completely blows my mind. 
But you know what?! It didn't stop there! Three (or "tree" for you Irish folk) days later He rose from the dead! Defeating death and the power sin had over us! Without the Resurrection, our faith would be pointless. But He DID rise from the grave. 
He is our LIVING God. 

Just thinking about that....it puts me in awe.

So...I just realized this morning that I'm pretty sure this is my first major holiday away from home.  So I really miss my family....But nevertheless, everyone made things feel so joyful :)

My roommate Christy got me and my other roommate Jackie a "Kinder Egg." It's a chocolate egg shell that has a little toy inside. They've been banned by the U.S. so being American we got pretty excited. Yes, we are adults. Yes, we got excited for chocolate eggs with a surprise dinky toy. 

Of course...Easter outfit

Delicious meal! :)
 {Good food = a happy me}


Gotta have tea and dessert!

From L to R: Tyrone, Chelci, Dee, Anna

Yes..that was the milk for the tea

Glasses switching

Anna, Chelci, me and Dee

Blessed by these ladies :)
{and we're dorks...hehe}

Thank you so much Tyrone and Anna for bringing us into our home for the holiday and all the work you put into everything! It was a grand Easter! :) 


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